Ignition Rendering

API Reference

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CArrowVisualRepresents a arrow composite visual
 CAxisVisualRepresents a axis composite visual
 CBaseGridBase implementation of a grid geometry
 CBaseRayQueryA Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections
 CCameraPosable camera used for rendering the scene graph
 CCompositeStoreRepresents a collection of Store objects, collectively working as a single composite store
 CCompositeVisualRepresents a predefined collection of geometries and visuals
 CDirectionalLightRepresents a infinite directional light
 CGeometryRepresents a geometric shape to be rendered
 CGridRepresents a grid geometry drawn along the XY plane. If vertical cell count is specified then the grid becomes 3D
 CImageEncapsulates a raw image buffer and relevant properties
 CLightRepresents a light source in the scene graph
 CMapStorage map from std::string to template class T
 CMaterialRepresents a surface material of a Geometry
 CMeshRepresents a collection of mesh geometries
 CMeshDescriptorDescribes how a Mesh should be loaded
 CNodeRepresents a single posable node in the scene graph
 CObjectRepresents an object present in the scene graph. This includes sub-meshes, materials, render targets, as well as posable nodes
 COgreConversionsConversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh
 COgreGridOgre implementation of a grid geometry
 COgreRayQueryA Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections
 COgreRenderEnginePluginPlugin for loading ogre render engine
 COgreRTShaderSystemImplements Ogre's Run-Time Shader system
 COrbitViewControllerA camera view controller
 CPixelUtilProvides supporting functions for PixelFormat enum
 CPointLightRepresents a point light
 CRayQueryA Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections
 CRayQueryResultA class that stores ray query intersection results
 CRenderEngineAn abstract interface to a concrete render-engine. A RenderEngine is responsible for initializing a render-engine as well as creating, storing, and destroying scenes
 CRenderEngineManagerCollection of render-engines. This provides access to all the render-engines available at runtime. RenderEngine objects should not be access directly, but instead via the RenderEngineManager to maintain a flexible render-engine agnostic design
 CRenderEnginePluginBase plugin class for render engines
 CRenderTargetRepresents a render-target to which cameras can render images
 CRenderTextureRepresents a off-screen render-texture to which cameras can render images
 CRenderWindowRepresents a on-screen render-window to which cameras can render images
 CSceneManages a single scene-graph. This class updates scene-wide properties and holds the root scene node. A Scene also serves as a factory for all scene objects
 CSensorRepresents a scene sensor. The most obvious example is a camera, but it can be anything that generates output from the scene
 CShaderUtilProvides supporting functions for ShaderType enum
 CSpotLightRepresents a spotlight
 CStoreMulti-access storage structure of template class T. Template class T is expected to have functions GetId, GetName(), Destroy() which return unsigned int, std::string, and void respectively. This store will ensure that each element's name and ID are unique
 CStoreWrapperSimple wrapper class that allows a Store of type Derived to be treated as a Store of type Base, where Derived is some class derived from Base. This is useful in storing Stores of different derived types in a single CompositeStore instance
 CSubMeshRepresents a single mesh geometry
 CViewControllerA camera view controller
 CVisualRepresents a visual node in a scene graph. A Visual is the only node that can have Geometry and other Visual children