Ignition Math

API Reference

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAngleAn angle and related functions
 CBoxMathematical representation of a box and related functions
 CColorDefines a color using a red (R), green (G), blue (B), and alpha (A) component. Each color component is in the range [0..1]
 CEdge< E >Generic edge class. An edge has two ends and some constraint between them. For example, a directed edge only allows traversing the edge in one direction
 CDirectedEdge< E >A directed edge represents a connection between two vertices. The connection is unidirectional, it's only possible to traverse the edge in one direction (from the tail to the head)
 CUndirectedEdge< E >An undirected edge represents a connection between two vertices. The connection is bidirectional, it's possible to traverse the edge in both directions
 CEdgeInitializer< E >Used in the Graph constructors for uniform initialization
 CFilter< T >Filter base class
 CBiQuad< T >Bi-quad filter base class
 COnePole< T >A one-pole DSP filter
 CFilter< math::Quaterniond >
 COnePole< math::Quaterniond >
 COnePoleQuaternionOne-pole quaternion filter
 CFilter< math::Vector3d >
 CBiQuad< math::Vector3d >
 CBiQuadVector3BiQuad vector3 filter
 COnePole< math::Vector3d >
 COnePoleVector3One-pole vector3 filter
 CFrustumMathematical representation of a frustum and related functions. This is also known as a view frustum
 CGraph< V, E, EdgeType >A generic graph class. Both vertices and edges can store user information. A vertex could be created passing a custom Id if needed, otherwise it will be choosen internally. The vertices also have a name that could be reused among other vertices if needed. This class supports the use of different edge types (e.g. directed or undirected edges)
 CInertial< T >A class for inertial information about a rigid body consisting of the scalar mass, a 3x3 symmetric moment of inertia matrix, and center of mass reference frame pose
 CKmeansK-Means clustering algorithm. Given a set of observations, k-means partitions the observations into k sets so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares. Description based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering
 CLine2< T >A two dimensional line segment. The line is defined by a start and end point
 CLine3< T >A three dimensional line segment. The line is defined by a start and end point
 CMassMatrix3< T >A class for inertial information about a rigid body consisting of the scalar mass and a 3x3 symmetric moment of inertia matrix stored as two Vector3's
 CMatrix3< T >A 3x3 matrix class
 CMatrix4< T >A 4x4 matrix class
 CMovingWindowFilter< T >Base class for MovingWindowFilter. This replaces the version of MovingWindowFilter in the Ignition Common library
 COrientedBox< T >Mathematical representation of a box which can be arbitrarily positioned and rotated
 CPIDGeneric PID controller class. Generic proportional-integral-derivative controller class that keeps track of PID-error states and control inputs given the state of a system and a user specified target state. It includes a user-adjustable command offset term (feed-forward)
 CPlane< T >A plane and related functions
 CPose3< T >Encapsulates a position and rotation in three space
 CQuaternion< T >A quaternion class
 CRandRandom number generator class
 CRotationSplineSpline for rotations
 CSemanticVersionVersion comparison class based on Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 http://semver.org/ Compares versions and converts versions from string
 CSignalStatisticStatistical properties of a discrete time scalar signal
 CSignalMaxAbsoluteValueComputing the maximum of the absolute value of a discretely sampled signal. Also known as the maximum norm, infinity norm, or supremum norm
 CSignalMaximumComputing the maximum value of a discretely sampled signal
 CSignalMeanComputing the mean value of a discretely sampled signal
 CSignalMinimumComputing the minimum value of a discretely sampled signal
 CSignalRootMeanSquareComputing the square root of the mean squared value of a discretely sampled signal
 CSignalVarianceComputing the incremental variance of a discretely sampled signal
 CSignalStatsCollection of statistics for a scalar signal
 CSphericalCoordinatesConvert spherical coordinates for planetary surfaces
 CTemperatureA class that stores temperature information, and allows conversion between different units
 CTriangle< T >Triangle class and related functions
 CTriangle3< T >A 3-dimensional triangle and related functions
 CVector2< T >Two dimensional (x, y) vector
 CVector3< T >The Vector3 class represents the generic vector containing 3 elements. Since it's commonly used to keep coordinate system related information, its elements are labeled by x, y, z
 CVector3StatsCollection of statistics for a Vector3 signal
 CVector4< T >T Generic x, y, z, w vector
 CVertex< V >A vertex of a graph. It stores user information, an optional name, and keeps an internal unique Id. This class does not enforce to choose a unique name