Ignition Math

API Reference

Box Member List

This is the complete list of members for Box, including all inherited members.

Box(const Vector3d &_vec1, const Vector3d &_vec2)Box
Box(double _vec1X, double _vec1Y, double _vec1Z, double _vec2X, double _vec2Y, double _vec2Z)Box
Box(const Box &_b)Box
Center() constBox
Contains(const Vector3d &_p) constBox
Intersect(const Vector3d &_origin, const Vector3d &_dir, const double _min, const double _max) constBox
Intersect(const Line3d &_line) constBox
IntersectCheck(const Vector3d &_origin, const Vector3d &_dir, const double _min, const double _max) constBox
IntersectDist(const Vector3d &_origin, const Vector3d &_dir, const double _min, const double _max) constBox
Intersects(const Box &_box) constBox
Max() constBox
Merge(const Box &_box)Box
Min() constBox
operator!=(const Box &_b) constBox
operator+(const Box &_b) constBox
operator+=(const Box &_b)Box
operator-(const Vector3d &_v)Box
operator<<(std::ostream &_out, const Box &_b)Boxfriend
operator=(const Box &_b)Box
operator==(const Box &_b) constBox
Size() constBox
XLength() constBox
YLength() constBox
ZLength() constBox