Ignition Rendering

API Reference

RenderTypes.hh File Reference
#include <memory>

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typedef shared_ptr< ArrowVisual > ArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AxisVisual > AxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Camera > CameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ArrowVisual > ConstArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const AxisVisual > ConstAxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Camera > ConstCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const DirectionalLight > ConstDirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Geometry > ConstGeometryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Image > ConstImagePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const JointVisual > ConstJointVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Light > ConstLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Material > ConstMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Mesh > ConstMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Node > ConstNodePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ObjectFactory > ConstObjectFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Object > ConstObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const PointLight > ConstPointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RayQuery > ConstRayQuery
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderTarget > ConstRenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderTexture > ConstRenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderWindow > ConstRenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Scene > ConstScenePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Sensor > ConstSensorPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SpotLight > ConstSpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SubMesh > ConstSubMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const Visual > ConstVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DirectionalLight > DirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Geometry > GeometryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Grid > GridPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Image > ImagePtr
typedef shared_ptr< JointVisual > JointVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Light > LightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Material > MaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Mesh > MeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Node > NodePtr
typedef shared_ptr< ObjectFactory > ObjectFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Object > ObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PointLight > PointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RayQuery > RayQueryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderTarget > RenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderTexture > RenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderWindow > RenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Scene > ScenePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Sensor > SensorPtr
template<class T >
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr< T >
typedef shared_ptr< SpotLight > SpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SubMesh > SubMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Visual > VisualPtr