Ignition Gui

API Reference

Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CCurvePlot Curve data
 CIncrementalPlotA plotting widget that handles incremental addition of data
 CPlotThis plugin allows plotting Ignition Transport topics. Topics can be dragged from other widgets, such as TopicViewer and dropped onto a variable pill container or a plot. There is support for multiple plots in parallel with different Y axes, while sharing the same X axis. The X axis is currently always based on wall time
 CTopicCurveHandlerManages and updates curves based on topic data
 CTrackerMouse hover tracking
 CGrid3DManages grids in an Ignition Rendering scene. This plugin can be used for:
 CImageDisplayDisplay images coming through an Ignition transport topic
 CPublisherWidget which publishes a custom Ignition transport message
 CRequesterWidget which sends a custom Ignition transport service request
 CResponderAdvertises a service which responds with a custom message
 CScene3DCreates a new ignition rendering scene or adds a user-camera to an existing scene. It is possible to orbit the camera around the scene with the mouse. Use other plugins to manage objects in the scene
 CTimePanelThis plugin provides a time panel which may:
 CTopicEchoEcho messages coming through an Ignition transport topic
 CTopicInterfaceThis plugin provides a graphical interface for messages coming through an Ignition Transport topic
 CTopicsStatsA TopicsStats for the plot window, where plottable items can be dragged from
 CTopicViewerA TopicViewer for the plot window, where plottable items can be dragged from
 CBoolWidgetA widget which holds a boolean property
 CCollapsibleWidgetA widget consisting of a button and some content. The content is hidden or shown as the button is toggled. It inherits from property widget, but it doesn't hold a property value
 CColorWidgetA widget which holds a color property
 CDialogGui plugin
 CDockGui plugin
 CDragDropModelCustomized item model so that we can pass along an URI query as MIME information during a drag-drop
 CEditableLabelEditable Label. The widget toggles between a QLabel and QLineEdit to support edits to the label text
 CEnumWidgetA widget which holds an enum property, which consists of a list of possible string values
 CGeometryWidgetA widget which holds a geometry property based on an ignition::msgs::Geometry message
 CMessageWidgetGenerate a widget with property fields based on a Google Protobuf message
 CNumberWidgetA widget which holds a number property such as a double, int or uint
 CPluginGui plugin
 CPose3dWidgetA widget which holds a pose 3d property
 CPropertyWidgetAbstract base class for widgets which hold properties, such as numbers and strings. Each derived class specializes in a property type. The value of any derived widget can be retrieved as a QVariant
 CSearchModelCustomize the proxy model to display search results
 CStringWidgetA widget which holds a string property (std::string)
 CVariablePillA pill-shaped label which can be dragged onto other widgets
 CVariablePillContainerA container for holding variable pills
 CVector3dWidgetA widget which holds a vector 3d property
 CWindowConfigHolds configurations related to a MainWindow