Ignition Math

API Reference

Ignition Math : Math classes and functions for robot applications

Maintainer: nate AT openrobotics DOT org

Build Status
Test coverage
Ubuntu Bionic

Ignition Math, a component of Ignition Robotics, provides general purpose math classes and functions designed for robotic applications.

Table of Contents






Folder Structure

Code of Conduct





Ignition Math provides a wide range of functionality, including:

  • Type-templated pose, matrix, vector, and quaternion classes.
  • Shape representations along with operators to compute volume, density, size and other properties.
  • Classes for material properties, mass, inertial, temperature, PID, kmeans, spherical coordinates, and filtering.
  • Optional Eigen component that converts between a few Eigen and Ignition Math types.


We recommend following the Binary Install instructions to get up and running as quickly and painlessly as possible.

The Source Install instructions should be used if you need the very latest software improvements, you need to modify the code, or you plan to make a contribution.

Binary Install

On Ubuntu systems, apt-get can be used to install ignition-math:

sudo apt install libignition-math<#>-dev

Be sure to replace <#> with a number value, such as 1 or 2, depending on which version you need.

Source Install

Source installation can be performed in UNIX systems by first installing the necessary prerequisites followed by building from source.


The optional Eigen component of Ignition Math requires:

  • Eigen. Refer to the Eigen Documentation for installation instructions. On Ubuntu systems, apt-get can be used to install Eigen:

    ``` sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev ```

Building from source

  1. Clone the repository

    ``` hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ignitionrobotics/ign-math ```

  2. Configure and build

    ``` cd ign-math; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make ```

  3. Optionally, install Ignition Math

    ``` sudo make install ```


Please refer to the examples directory.


API and tutorials can be found at https://ignitionrobotics.org/libs/math.

You can also generate the documentation from a clone of this repository by following these steps.

  1. You will need Doxygen. On Ubuntu Doxygen can be installed using

    ``` sudo apt-get install doxygen ```

  2. Clone the repository

    ``` hg clone https://bitbucket.org/ignitionrobotics/ign-math ```

  3. Configure and build the documentation.

    ``` cd ign-math; mkdir build; cd build; cmake ../; make doc ```

  4. View the documentation by running the following command from the build directory.

    ``` firefox doxygen/html/index.html ```


Follow these steps to run tests and static code analysis in your clone of this repository.

  1. Follow the source install instruction.
  2. Run tests.

    ``` make test ```

  3. Static code checker.

    ``` make codecheck ```

Folder Structure

Refer to the following table for information about important directories and files in this repository.

├── examples Example programs.
├── include/ignition/math Header files.
├── src Source files and unit tests.
│   └── graph Source files for the graph classes.
├── eigen3 Files for Eigen component.
├── test
│ ├── integration Integration tests.
│ ├── performance Performance tests.
│ └── regression Regression tests.
├── tutorials Tutorials, written in markdown.
├── Changelog.md Changelog.
└── CMakeLists.txt CMake build script.


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md.

Code of Conduct

Please see CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.


This library uses Semantic Versioning. Additionally, this library is part of the Ignition Robotics project which periodically releases a versioned set of compatible and complimentary libraries. See the Ignition Robotics website for version and release information.


This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. See also the LICENSE file.