Ignition Gui

API Reference


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Writing plugins

An Ignition GUI plugin is a shared library that defines a widget. The plugin contains QML code that specifies what the widget looks like, as well as C++ code that defines the plugin's behavior and ties it to other libraries.

See HelloPlugin for an example.

Finding plugins

Ignition GUI will look for plugins on the following paths, in this order:

  1. All paths set on the IGN_GUI_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable
  2. All paths added by calling ignition::gui::addPluginPath
  3. ~/.ignition/gui/plugins
  4. Plugins which are installed with Ignition GUI

Configuring plugins

Ignition GUI supports loading XML configuration files, which may contain parameters to be passed directly to the plugin. See the Config tutorial for more information.

Built-in plugins

Image display

Display images from an Ignition Transport topic.

ign gui -c examples/config/image.config


ign gui -s ImageDisplay


Publish messages on an Ignition Transport topic.

  1. Listen to string messages on the /echo topic:
     ign topic -e -t /echo
  1. On a new terminal, open the publisher GUI:
     ign gui -s Publisher
  1. The GUI is pre-filled to publish "Hello" messages on the /echo topic. Click "Publish" to publish a message and see it on the terminal.

World stats and control

  • Stats: Display sim / real time published on a topic
  • Control: Buttons to make play / pause / step service requests
      ign gui -c examples/config/time.config

Topic echo

Echo messages from an Ignition Transport topic.

ign gui -c examples/config/pubsub.config

Key publisher

Publish key presses through Ignition Transport.

ign gui -c examples/config/keypublisher.config

Change the topic to echo to /keyboard/keypress, echo, and start pressing keys.

Topic viewer

Not ported to versions 1 or higher yet

Discover all Ignition Transport topics and introspect its fields.

ign gui -c examples/config/topicViewer.config

Topics stats

Not ported to versions 1 or higher yet

Show basic stats of all Ignition Transport topics at the same time.

ign gui -c examples/config/topicsStats.config

Requester and Responder

Not ported to versions 1 or higher yet

Make custom service requests and serve custom services with these two plugins.

ign gui -c examples/config/reqres.config

Not ported to versions 1 or higher yet

This is a container for various Display Plugins that each paint on a Scene. The following example includes the display plugins that are installed with Ignition GUI by default.

ign gui -c examples/config/display_plugins.config

Finding display plugins

Not ported to versions 1 or higher yet

Ignition GUI will look for display plugins on the following paths, in this order:

  1. All paths set on the IGN_GUI_DISPLAY_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable
  1. ~/.ignition/gui/display_plugins
  1. Display plugins that are installed with Ignition GUI