Ignition Gazebo

API Reference

Distributed Simulation


  • Simulation can be distributed among 1 or more processes
  • These processes can be running on the same machine or different ones
  • These processes must be kept in sync
  • Results can't be interpolated or missed
  • We should reduce the amount of duplicate effort across processes

High-Level design

Each ign-gazebo instance has the ability to run with the --distributed flag. When the flag is present, the instance attempts to join a distributed simulation environment by utilizing ign-transport. Ign-transport is used to register and track available peers, as well as synchronize clock and state among multiple distributed environment participants.

Distributed environment participants can take one of the following roles.

  • Primary - responsible for distributing work and synchronizing clocks among the other participants
  • Secondary - responsible for receiving work from the primary instance and executing physics and sensor simulation. Results are reported back to the Primary.

The distribution of simulation work utilizes the concept of performers in order to set where physics simulation will occur. A performer is an additional annotation in an SDF file which marks each model that will be a performer. Performers are allocated to secondaries using a round-robin fashion. If there are more performers than secondaries, multiple performers will be allocated to each secondary.


  • When executing in a distributed environment, each ign-gazebo instance only has one SimulationRunner instance, which means that instance is incapable of simulating multiple worlds.
  • Distributed lockstep - all simulation runners step at the same time. If a particular instance is running slower than the rest, it will have an impact on the total simulation throughput.
  • Fixed runners - all simulation runners have to be defined ahead of time. If a runner joins or leaves the graph after simulation has started, simulation will terminate.

Execution flow

Configuration and launch

Multiple ign-gazebo executables are started on the same local area network, each with the --distributed flag set.

Command line options

The primary instance will read several command line options to dictate its behavior.

  • –network-role=primary - Dictates that the role of this participant is a Primary. Capitalization of "primary" is not important.
  • –network-secondaries=<N> - The number of secondaries expected to join. Simulation will not begin until N secondaries have been discovered.

The secondary instances will only read the role command line option

  • –network-role=secondary - Dictates that the role of this participant is a Secondary. Capitalization of "secondary" is not important.

Environment variables

WARNING: Environment variables for distributed simulation configuration is deprecated in version 2.x.x of Ignition Gazebo. Please use the command-line options instead.

The primary instance will read several environment variables to dictate its behavior.

  • IGN_GAZEBO_NETWORK_ROLE=PRIMARY - Dictates that the role of this participant is a Primary. Capitalization of "primary" is not important.
  • IGN_GAZEBO_NETWORK_SECONDARIES=<N> - The number of secondaries expected to join. Simulation will not begin until N secondaries have been discovered.

The secondary instances will only read the role environment variable

  • IGN_GAZEBO_NETWORK_ROLE=SECONDARY - Dictates that the role of this participant is a Secondary. Capitalization of "secondary" is not important.


Once the ign-gazebo instance is started, it will begin a process of discovering peers in the network. Each peer will send an announcement when it joins or leaves the network, and also periodically sends a heartbeat.

Simulation is allowed to begin once each secondary has discovered the primary and the primary has discovered the correct number of secondaries.

If at any time the primary or any secondaries leave the network, either intentionally (through shutdown) or unintentionally (segfault or network issues), then the rest of the simulation graph will get a signal and shut down safely.

There are two possible signals that can be received. The first is an intentional announcement from a network peer that it is shutting down. The second is when a peer fails to receive a heartbeat from another peer after a specified duration. Both of these signals will cause the termination of the simulation.


After discovery, the NetworkManager and SyncManager work to distribute performers across the network graph. Each performer specified in the SDF file gets assigned to a network secondary. If there are more performers than secondaries, then some secondaries will receive multiple performers.

Currently, every secondary is loading all performers at startup. Once it receives affinities from the primary, it removes the performers which it's not handling. So at any given time, the secondary is only calculating physics for its performers and other objects from the levels they're in.

The primary, on the other hand, keeps all performers loaded, but performs no physics simulation.


At the beginning of each simulation step, the simulation primary sends the current iteration, step size, and simulation clock time.

Each secondary then proceeds to simulate that iteration, and sends the results back to the simulation primary. Each secondary then sends an additional ack signal back to the simulation primary to indicate that the current iteration is done.

Once all secondary ack signals have been received, the primary allows simulation to continue to the next step.


All interaction with the simulation environment happens via the primary.

Play/pause and GUI functionality all work with the simulation primary instance.